Sunday, April 9, 2017

Beauty Lessons

Beauty defined by media 
The media defines beauty by not looking like yourself. (fake) You have to look like a barbie doll and you have to look like everyone else. 
My definition of beauty that I got from this presentation is beauty is shown through original you are. 
3 interesting things:
1. It takes a long time for girls to do make up
Image result2. People will take snapchat filters into a plastic surgeon  
3. There is a lot of photo shopping  in social media 


                               Beauty defined by gender

Beauty between the genders is very different. Men need to be big and strong while women have to have a pretty face and be pleasing in the face.
My definition is people have to look like the perfect man/woman; it is not okay to have beauty the way you are. 
Image result for male and female3 interesting facts:
1. heavier women in modeling businesses get paid less
    2 women have a harder time excepting their body
    3. men get to not care how they look

                               Beauty defined by culture
Beauty is defined by the way you look in a certain culture.
My definition of beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
3 interesting facts:
1. in Southern Ethiopia women put discs in their lips to enlarge them
2. Women of the Kayan tribe of Thailand put brass rings around their necks to make them longer
3.Ethiopia's Karo tribe think that women with scars are pretty.

                                 Beauty defined by age 
In today's society the older you get the less attractive you are.
My definition of beauty is age is a beautiful thing because you are able to think in a mature manner(not like a teen)
3 interesting facts: 
1.Women over 40 years old influence 80% of the purchasing decisions in the U.S.
2. They use photo shop to make a celebrity look younger
3. There is a lot of make up to make wrinkles go away

                                Beauty defined by History
People have changed what makes you beautiful, but not how they react to it 
My definition is what defines beauty will always change but true beauty will not 
3 interesting things: 
1. In the 1960s people had some really big hair  
2. In Asia girls do not like to be tan but rather pale 
Image result for female from the 60's
3. In the renaissance era women wore white powder wigs

Benji Leonard

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