Sunday, April 9, 2017

Beauty Lessons

Beauty defined by media 
The media defines beauty by not looking like yourself. (fake) You have to look like a barbie doll and you have to look like everyone else. 
My definition of beauty that I got from this presentation is beauty is shown through original you are. 
3 interesting things:
1. It takes a long time for girls to do make up
Image result2. People will take snapchat filters into a plastic surgeon  
3. There is a lot of photo shopping  in social media 


                               Beauty defined by gender

Beauty between the genders is very different. Men need to be big and strong while women have to have a pretty face and be pleasing in the face.
My definition is people have to look like the perfect man/woman; it is not okay to have beauty the way you are. 
Image result for male and female3 interesting facts:
1. heavier women in modeling businesses get paid less
    2 women have a harder time excepting their body
    3. men get to not care how they look

                               Beauty defined by culture
Beauty is defined by the way you look in a certain culture.
My definition of beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
3 interesting facts:
1. in Southern Ethiopia women put discs in their lips to enlarge them
2. Women of the Kayan tribe of Thailand put brass rings around their necks to make them longer
3.Ethiopia's Karo tribe think that women with scars are pretty.

                                 Beauty defined by age 
In today's society the older you get the less attractive you are.
My definition of beauty is age is a beautiful thing because you are able to think in a mature manner(not like a teen)
3 interesting facts: 
1.Women over 40 years old influence 80% of the purchasing decisions in the U.S.
2. They use photo shop to make a celebrity look younger
3. There is a lot of make up to make wrinkles go away

                                Beauty defined by History
People have changed what makes you beautiful, but not how they react to it 
My definition is what defines beauty will always change but true beauty will not 
3 interesting things: 
1. In the 1960s people had some really big hair  
2. In Asia girls do not like to be tan but rather pale 
Image result for female from the 60's
3. In the renaissance era women wore white powder wigs

Benji Leonard

Thursday, March 16, 2017

True Beauty

 Beauty is not about your outward experience but rather how you feel about your appearance (Confidence is everything)  "Then I look at myself again close up and I say to myself that I look okay, maybe better than okay."

   I am getting ready to go out tonight I can't what the bar I am going to is having a karaoke night. I love to talk to new people. I put on all  my make up and it only took me 30 minutes which is quicker than usually. I have my lipstick on to cover up the fact they are small. I also made my cheekbones look higher than they really are. I try to cover up the fact that I have red hair and being so tall.

Image result for red head   I was walking out when one of my friends yelled " Angela are you going to the bar for karaoke night." I yelled down the hall " sue, where else would i be going tonight."Then I turned and walked away going down my apartment stairs. I was walking down the street because it was only 2 blocks to get to the bar. When I walked in there was a large crowd there. I see some guy (clearly had to much to drink already) singing wrecking ball. That made me laugh so hard my stomach started to hurt. Then Sue tapped my shoulder and asked "What I was laughing at then I pointed at the guy singing." She broke into laughter as well.
  Then a super cute guy walked into the bar and asked for a water witch I thought was weird considering it is a bar. I went up to him and he looked at me and started to walk away fast. I asked Sue "Why he would he run away from me" then she said "Your eyeliner was coming of." I ran to the bathroom in a panic. While was was running lots of guys laughed at me. I was really concise when I walked back out of the bathroom after spending 10 minutes fixing my makeup. When I walked outside to get fresh air a canape full of water fell on me. I was completely soaked.
  I ran to my apartment so I could curl up into a ball and cry. Some many people were looking at me and laughing. Then a man well dressed man pulled me under a canopy and said "what is wrong is there someone chasing you." I said no and he asked me If i was okay and I replied no to him and explained what happened. I asked him for his name and he said John. He invited me inside is little corner store so we could warm up. He said "any guy that makes fun of you for the way your make came of is a moron because you are a true beauty.
We exchanged numbers and we are happily married now even after 20 years. He made me understand that beauty does not come from the makeup you put on but rather your self confidence.

Image result for well dressed man in the rain

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Elie Wiesel Train Ride

Image result for Jews on a train to auschwitz

        I have not faced anything as dangerous as Elie Wiesel. I could not handle being in his situation I would never talk. I would sit in the train and not say a word. I am similar to Elie because I would sit in the train and not say anything. I have not experienced anything this crazy ever happen to me. To know that these things really happened to people is crazy. I would hope nothing like this would ever happen again.

Image result for Jews on a train to auschwitz

Thursday, October 27, 2016


          My family does celebrate Halloween and we have a few traditions for it. We used to go trick-or-treating, we hand out candy, and we decorate the house.  My sister, the foster kids ,and me used to go trick or treating, now it is just me and my sister and we hand out candy now because we are older now. My family will put up some decorations up like fake spider webs, gravestones, and candy buckets. In conclusion my family and I celebrate Halloween, instead of getting things on Halloween I like giving to the kids.

Image result for candyImage result for candyImage result for candy